Read the following carefully before lodging an application
1. 申请者因护照中未明确区分姓、名,填写个人信息时,请将名字根据护照名字顺序置于“名”,勿填写“姓”
Applicants who holding the passport without distinguishing the last name and given name, please fill your name with same order as it on the passport into "Given Name". Leave the "Last Name" empty
2. 留学生护照姓名中含有Miss, Mr. 等称谓,请在填写个人信息时同时包含以上称谓,保证与护照姓名一致。
who have the title of Miss, Mr. or anything else on the passport,
please do include the titles in the name when lodging an application and
make sure the name you submitted will be same to it on the passport.
3. 申请者最高学历须为学历证明(如高中毕业证、本科毕业证/学位证等),不能以成绩单代替。如申请本科学习的留学生,其所在国不提供高中毕业证明的,提供的成绩单中必须含有明确的关于“已毕业/已通过高中学习”或类似陈述。
The applicant's highest academic qualification must be a certificate of academic qualifications (e.g., high school diploma, degree certificate, etc.) and cannot be replaced by a transcript. In case that high school graduation certificate is not provided in his or her country, applicant may provide the transcript in the condition that a clear statement of ‘……graduated / has passed high school/higher secondary school……’ or similar statement must be included.
4. 申请者提供材料中使用姓名需要与护照姓名一致,如因特殊原因导致名字不一致,须通过所在国政府部门出具姓名一致性证明。
The name used in the materials provided by the applicant must be the same as the name of the passport. If the name is inconsistent due to special reasons, the name consistency certificate must be issued by the concerned department of the host country.
5. 申请者提供的最高学历证明,成绩单必须进行公证,公证文书或公证印章须为中文或英文。
The highest academic certificate and corresponding transcript provided by the applicant must be notarized, and the notarized document or seal must be in Chinese or English
6. 申请研究生项目的申请者需再个人陈述中提供详细的研究计划。
Applicants for postgraduate programs are required to provide a detailed research plan in their personal statements.
7. 汉语水平考试成绩单有效期为2年。申请者前置学历在中国境内完成且授课语言为中文,可提供过期汉语水平考试成绩单。
Chinese proficiency test transcript (HSK) is valid for 2
years only. Expired HSK transcript can be accepted for applicants who
hold the qualifications completed in China with Chinese language
8. 请务必提供真实有效的联系方式,包含手机、邮寄地址、家庭住址等。被录取留学生的录取材料原件将通过邮寄方式发放。
Please be sure to provide real and effective contact information, including mobile phone, mailing address, home address, etc. The original admission materials of the admitted students will be distributed by delivery.